Friday, July 31, 2009


I did this during my afternoon coffee break. Done with a black Papermate ballpoint pen on the back of a scratch paper. *LOL* That's my purse but the shoes are fictitious. (I wore flipflops to work today -- a pair of tall ones with glittery white straps). TGIF!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Done in green ink -- Zebra Ballpoint office pen on white copy paper (ack!). Work's slow because it's Friday, and I'm bored and sleepy. This one's inspired by Imagination Studios online and my co-worker Stephanie's birthday -- she likes fairies. I'm also inspired by my little friend and neighbor, Emily, who waits for me on her bicycle with her big sister Irene in my driveway when I get home from work. I still have to draw Irene. She's looks like a little Japanese doll.
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